There GROWS the neighborhood. 


Latest News

SWF Communiversity Convergence in Detroit

On March 7th - 9th, SWF team members traveled to Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan, for a Communiversity Convergence. The Convergence began with SWF and members of the Values-Based Partners network engaging in a public lecture at the University of Michigan, followed by a Build-It Workshop and community gathering at Freedom Dreams the next day. This was the second annual Communiversity Convergence in Detroit - a new March ritual and an important community/network-building and reconnection point. 

SWF Communiversity Convergence in Pittsburgh

On April 5 and 6, members of the SWF team traveled to Pittsburgh, PA, for a Communiversity Convergence with Values-Based Partner Sankofa Village Projects and emerging university partner Carnegie Mellon University. The two-day convergence catalyzed new relationships at Sankofa Village Community Garden through a series of Build-It Workshops that engaged community members and students/faculty from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh in garden clean-up and the build of new furniture, including SWF’s newly designed Neighborhood Market Stand.

2024 Spring Break Immersions at The Commonwealth

This spring has brought varied temperature swings, which has meant plenty of time to balance indoor and outdoor activities. In March, Sweet Water Communiversity welcomed its first groups of the year from near and far to The Commonwealth for immersions, ranging from a few hours to a few days with the SWF team. Students from Howard University, Lake Forest College, and Chicago Public Schools spent part of their spring break cultivating life alongside the SWF team and Community.


Transforming 'Blight' to Light.

SWF cultivates spaces for humanity – the physical spaces, programs, resources, and connections – that heal and nurture people across cultures, geographies, and generations. SWF has re-generated and re-storied six blocks in the South Side of Chicago into a place known as The Commonwealth, a bio-dynamic campus for The Communiversity and a demonstration site for civic arts, urban ecology, human development, and neighborhood development.


Regenerative Neighborhood Development


Civic Arts


Carpentry + Design


The Communiversity


Cultivating The Commonwealth